Create documents and get email copies within minutes.
See also our General FAQ’s here.
I need something changed - Use the ‘quick link’ in the email with your electronic copies. It’s then easier to enter your data again without filling all the standard detail. If you have PAID use voucher code ADMIN to amend (see exclusions below).
Can you do it for me - No. You must create your own documents. The software will calculate anything you don’t know. So you can enter full calculations or simply dates and pay amount and let the system do the rest.
I don't have PayPal - You can 'checkout as a guest' without an account. You then simply pay with your card.
I need to add to my last order - For security, we don’t keep your data on our server when a order is complete. Use the ‘quick link’ and select the ‘Carry Forward’ option on the form. YTD pay from the last payslip will be added to the new payslips you create. Just add new dates & amounts.
Pay is wrong - This usually happens when pay entered as gross pay (before deductions) instead of net (take home), or the other way round. But Tax Code, Pay Dates, Pay Period, and Pension will also affect results. If in doubt keep it simple.
YTD (year to date) error - You can enter details from the previous payslip to continue the sequence. Select ‘Carry Forward’ option and enter the amounts. If you don’t our system will use the first amount you enter and calculate back to the start of the pay year (April 6th).
Address doesn’t show - If the data is too much for the allocated space it will automatically be shortened. If you miss the post code, the address won’t display.
I need custom changes / design - This is an automated application set up to cover the most popular requirements. We recognise it may not be for everyone. There are a choice of document styles you can cycle through using the ‘change style’ button on the document form.
Problems downloading - Restart or try another device. The problem will be your email server.
Nothing has come through - Start by checking your junk mail. Usually email copies arrive within minutes but it can take longer. The system flags potential spam, errors, and spelling issues for human review which takes longer.
Check payment email confirmation. If shown as 'pending' it won't complete until PayPal have completed their review.
Printed copies are usually delivered ‘next day’ but that’s not guaranteed. Please wait a few days before contacting us as they rarely get lost.
Admin Voucher Exclusions - If you have made a genuine error on an order you can amend it. But... Original order must have been placed within 7 days. Must clearly be the same employee & company. Dates can be changed for example if you ordered 31st of the month but wanted 28th. You can’t use it just to get the next payslip in sequence for free.
Common Problems
Dates - Must be in sequence. If you jump around you will get undesired YTD results.Year to Date Pay - The payroll year starts 6th April and YTD is calculated from April. We recommend creating all payslips in sequence from this date or enter YTD figures to carry forward. If pay stays the same it doesn’t matter.
Example; if you ordered a payslip for June and set salary as 3000 the system will use that to calculate YTD. So… 3000 April, 3000 May & 3000 June = 9000 YTD.
Started work after Apr 6th - Select new starter and enter first pay date and YTD will calculate from that point instead.
Net / Gross Pay errors - Net is take home pay after deductions. Gross is top line before tax & national insurance is deducted. People often mix this up and get unexpected results.
Tax Code - Unless 100% sure best leave blank and system will use default standard code for payslip date. 2nd job should be ‘BR’ code.
Pay Period - Four Week pay is every 28 days, and not the same as Monthly pay which is 30 or 31 days. There are 13 x Four Week periods per year and only 12 months. If you mix these up you will get unexpected results because your tax allowance will be divided accordingly.
OSCP Online Store / OS Payroll
Newgate St, Morpeth, Northumberland
NE61 7ST