If you have e-Payslips and need them converted to print copies or need to replace lost items, it's quick & easy. Create sample documents and we email you high quality PDF copies. Pay if you want them. Simple. No fuss. Payroll.
Start by selecting what you need. Payslips, P60, or both. In this example we'll select payslips and show how to create a P60 in another post.
Use the (Change Style) button to cycle through payslip designs until you find what you need.
Enter the company detail.
You must enter the company name but the address is optional.
Some layouts have a smaller amount of space so an address may display shorter.
Add the employee (worker) name.
If you selected a payslip style that includes the home address enter that too.
If you don't see address fields choose another payslip style.
Enter employee national insurance number.
Check box if 67 years or older. This adjusts the NI calculation.
Work ID is optional but payslips can look odd with an empty space.
Enter the correct tax code next. If unsure leave empty and we use standard for pay date.
If you live in Scotland change tax region. The calculation is a little different to the rest of the UK.
Choose pay method. Bank is most popular but you have other options. Bacs. Cash. Cheque, etc.
Select the pay period. You can choose from Month, Four Week, Two Week, or Weekly pay.
Don't mix up Monthly and Four Week. They are not the same and will calculate different. Four week pay is every 28 days exact. Pay day would be the same day of the week. If paid on a Friday it would always be Friday.
Monthly pay can vary. Pay day could be any set date ( example 24th ). It could be last work day of the month. Last calendar day of the month. First of the month. Last Friday of the month, etc.
This is important because there are 12 monthly periods in the pay year and 13 four week periods. Allowances and calculations use this figure. If incorrect it will show incorrect pay amounts.
Choose standard or advanced options.
For now we will leave as standard but will show advanced in the last section.
Enter the payslip date. If you need more than one enter the first date.
Example - If you wanted Jan, Feb & March enter January date first. Then enter the pay amount.
Is that before deductions ( Gross Pay ) or take home amount ( Net Pay )?
Using the ( + Add Date ) button you can then enter the next date and amount.
Add any of the standard options to include.
We will apply standard calculations but you can provide custom amounts using advanced control.
In our example we said we wanted Jan, Feb & March payslips.
You can enter the total year to date figures from the previous payslip (in this case Dec) and it will carry forward.
If pay is always the same amount it is not required.
If empty we use the pay from your first payslip and pro-rata that to the start of the pay year (April 6th).
If work started after April 6th enter the first pay date and year to date will show only months worked.
Choose shipping method.
If you only want email a 50% discount will apply.
If you want samples first check the box and you skip payment.
Enter email and any shipping details. Submit the request.
If you selected sample your order will be in our system and we'll email copies very soon.
Otherwise make payment and we process your order.
With standard options we do all the calculations. Advanced lets you provide all (or some) of the data and overrides the system generated figures. Use to create print copies of e-Payslips.
If paid an hourly wage you can enter hours worked and pay rate.
Enter a bonus or commission.
If you claim expenses add them too.
Custom pension figures.
Your own student loan and healthcare deductions.
Custom calculations for tax, national insurance, and employer NI.
Also set a target net amount to match
You can create as many samples as you wish so feel free to jump in and play around until happy. Use the green button above to get started.
OSCP Online Store / OS Payroll
Newgate St, Morpeth, Northumberland
NE61 7ST